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Our Objective
We have designed sessions to engage students while teaching valuable skills to make better life choices. These are skills that have positive outcomes such as improved attitudes, willingness to learn, respect, responsibility, integrity, communication skills, self-confidence and self-awareness, problem solving skills and increased value. These include the addition of reading and math skills through experiential learning utilizing the horse as a partner for success.

Our Vision
In a world where trauma, anxiety and depression have become an epidemic; we aim to provide special needs individuals and at-risk youth with a safe place to support these individuals where they are and provide opportunities for growth, grace, healing, and of course; love.
To promote independence for increased effectiveness in their life by providing a unique experience with authentic beings; interacting with our horses in a way that will open your eyes to the strength within. To provide programs that teach life skills to encourage better life choices, achievement in school and improve personal relationships.
Our Mission
At Hearts of Steele, our mission is to improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness through meaningful interaction with horses to individuals of all abilities and circumstances.